Fighting Crime With More Than Burglar Alarm Systems In Birkenhead

The BurglarUK crime statistics make a compelling case for putting in burglar alarm systems in Birkenhead, where over the past 2 years on average 25 homes and businesses have fallen prey to this type of crime each month. But what else can you do to avoid the trauma and inconvenience of a break-in?

In Birkenhead, along with installing burglar alarm systems, here are 5 tips to put into practice to make your home or business less appealing to burglars and thieves:

  1. Are you showing off too much to people walking or driving past your house? Here’s a tip: take a stroll around the outside of your house or business premises and see what you can see. Is anything just lying there, asking to be taken? What can you see through the windows? Does it look like a dream come true for a burglar wanting a quick “shopping trip”?
  2. If you have just bought an expensive electronic item like a plasma screen, don’t leave the box outside on rubbish day where everyone can see it – you can’t be sure who is on the lookout for that exact item, and has no intention of paying for it.
  3. Of course, if you’ve installed the right burglar alarm systems in Birkenhead, the would-be burglar is in for a nasty surprise when they attempt to help themselves to your precious belongings.
  4. When you leave for work, or go out for the evening, does your home look deserted? Fool a burglar by leaving a light on, playing music on shuffle, or leaving the television on. If burglars can tell there’s no one at home, they are more likely to strike.
  5. You can also do crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) by creating an outdoor environment that makes it difficult for burglars: keep shrubs well-trimmed and away from entry ways, so that burglars don’t have a place to lurk and wait.

For more advice on how to secure your home or business with the best burglar alarm systems in Birkenhead, contact HG Vess Security Systems.

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